News Alert

Changes in Phenolic Compounds of Grape Cane by-Products and their Extracts under Different Storage Conditions

Polyphenols Applications Ariel FontanaDr. Ariel Fontana from Instituto de Biología Agrícola de Mendoza, Argentina will give a presentation entitled "Changes in phenolic compounds of grape cane by-products and their extracts under different storage conditions".

In this session, Dr. Fontana will present the modification of phenolic compound profiles and concentrations in grape canes kept under different storage conditions after vine pruning. In addition, the stability of liquid extracts obtained from canes and exposed to different storage conditions will be also discussed. In his opinion, it is an interesting topic because this information could be related to the stability of polyphenols in food/additives mixtures having an effect on the final product commercialization and beneficial effects after using.

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021 - Digital Congress



Polyphenols as Adjunctive Interventions in Depression

Wolfgang Marx PolyphenolsDr. Wolfgang Marx from Deakin University, IMPACT, Australia as the major speaker will give a presentation entitled  "Polyphenols as Adjunctive Interventions in Depression".

His summary will be about emerging research suggest that polyphenols may modulate a range of pathways implicated in psychiatric disorders and there is now emerging observational and clinical data demonstrating potential efficacy. This presentation will provide an overview of the implicated mechanisms of action, efficacy, and areas of future research.

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021 - Digital Congress




Polyphenols as universal coatings and as bioactive agents in porous materials like cements

F13Prof. Vincent Ball from Université de Strasbourg, France will give a talk as the major speaker for the Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress which will be organized on September 22-24, 2021 on "Polyphenols as universal coatings and as bioactive agents in porous materials like cements".

Prof. Ball will explain how polyphenols like tannic acid, pyrogallol, gallic acid and others are able to form thin films on all kinds of solid-liquid interfaces, can be deposited in the form of particulates when complexed with metallic cations like Fe3+ and can also take part in layered architectures (the so-called layer-by-layer film). In all cases they provide electroactivity, antimicrobial and anti-oxidant properties to the deposited films. We will finally show that the same polyphenols may be incorporated in cements and plaster to modify their wettability and to improve their biological and mechanical properties.

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021 - Digital Congress

Valorization of Food Waste : Polyphenols extraction using Innovative Technologies

F6Prof. Richard Maroun, Dean Faculty of sciences at Saint-Joseph University Beirut, Lebanon will join the Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress which will be held on September 22-24, 2021.

Prof. Richard Maroun will give a presentation entitled "Valorization of Food Waste: Polyphenols extraction using Innovative Technologies".

Summary of the talk: Food by-products are considered as a cheap source of valuable components since existing technologies allow for the recovery of the target compounds and the recycling into the food chain as functional additives in different industrial products.

Food waste valorization practices have gained much attention lately as a means of sustainable management. These materials constitute an underexploited source for the recovery of natural compounds. One of the main molecules extracted and purified are polyphenols. Our work aims to purify these natural antioxidant molecules through innovative technologies in order to reintegrate them as valuable additives in several final products such as food additives, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, etc.

Prof. Richard Maroun will chair a workshop dedicated to Food byproducts valorization through polyphenols extraction. Business creation from lab to market which will be held one day before the congress, on September 22, 2021.

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021 - Digital Congress


Aronia berry polyphenols for chronic disease prevention

F14Prof. Bradley Bolling from University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Food Science, USA will give a presentation entitled "Aronia berry polyphenols for chronic disease prevention".

In this session Prof. Bolling will present the health benefits of the aronia berry that is rich in anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, and proanthocyanidins. Animal models and some human intervention studies indicate aronia polyphenols reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. The preventive mechanisms appear to be partly mediated by the gut microbiota and intestinal immune system.

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021 - Digital Congress

Biomedical Applications of Pterostilbene

F4Dr. Jose M. Estrela from the University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain will join the Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress which will be held in September 23-24, 2021 and will give a talk entitled "Biomedical applications of pterostilbene".

Dr. Estrela will present an overview on applications of pterostilbene, developed by her lab in different fields, i.e. radioprotection, oncotherapy, and ALS. In fact, pterostilbene is a phytoalexin and a natural dimethoxylated analog of resveratrol, but with greater lipophilicity and a higher potential for cellular uptake than Resveratrol. 

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021 - Digital Congress


Environment-Friendly Applications of Polyphenols: Polyphenols as a natural pesticide


Dr. Rêmulo Carvalho from EMPAER, Brazil will join the Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress and present his study during the session dedicated to the Environment-friendly applications of polyphenols.



During the Polyphenols Applications 2021, a session will be dedicated to the environment- friendly applications of polyphenols.

We will discuss on the polyphenols as a natural pesticide.

If you wish to submit an abstract in this session, follow this link

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 23-24, 2021 - Digital Congress

Recovery of Polyphenols from Aquaculture Matrices and their Downstreams assisted by Alternative Green Extraction Processes

F5Prof. Francisco Barba from the University of Valencia, Spain will give a presentation entitled "Recovery of Polyphenols from Aquaculture Matrices and their Downstreams assisted by Alternative Green Extraction Processes".

Prof. Barba will talk that Over the last 20 years there has been a growing interest in polyphenols, due to their potential use among others. However, the majority of processes used for extraction from food matrices or downstreams have been based on the use of conventional processes that require long extraction times, with high temperatures, solvents, which in some cases can be toxic. Moreover, these processes are, in most of cases not selective. This is why there is a need to use alternative extraction processes, which are in turn, green and sustainable, such as pulsed electric fields, fermentation, supercritical fluids, etc. Therefore, in this presentation, some alternative processes to recover or promote polyphenols development from aquaculture matrices and their downstreams will be discussed.

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021 - Digital Congress

Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant: Applications for exercise and health

F12Prof. Mark Willems from university of Chichester, United Kingdom will give a talk entitled "Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant: Applications for exercise and health" during the Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress.

Prof. Willems will present how dietary flavonoids are known to provide health benefits. Berries are rich in the flavonoid anthocyanins. His talk will focus on the effects of anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant with applications for exercise and health covering whole-body fat oxidation, cardiovascular function and skin emission of volatile organic compounds. 

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021 - Digital Congress

Reactions of phenolic compounds – a bottomless pit?

F1Prof. Andreas Schieber, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany will give an introductory talk entitled "Reactions of phenolic compounds – a bottomless pit?".

Phenolic compounds are subject to a plethora of enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions, which may tremendously alter their chemical, physical, and physiological properties. The oxidation of o-diphenols leads to the formation of quinones, which are electron-deficient compounds that may readily react with nucleophiles, such as thiol or amino groups. At the same time, the quinones may oxidize other phenols including anthocyanins through various mechanisms.

Despite the importance of reactions in plant physiology, food technology, nutrition and toxicology, and an increase in relevant studies during the past two decades, our understanding of the conversions of phenolic compounds is still limited, which is due, among others, to the large chemical heterogeneity of this class of secondary plant metabolites. The presentation will provide an overview of the reactions of phenolics in general and subsequently describe the behavior of quinones and the resulting conversion products in more detail.

Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress
September 22-24, 2021

Microbiota, Polyphenols and Metabolites: Strategic Topic

Effects of Diets on MicrobiotaDuring the Polyphenols Applications 2021, a session will be dedicated to the strategic role of Microbiota and Polyphenols.

We will discuss the effects of Metabolites produced by Microbiota on host cells & Mitochondria.



An Industrial Innovation Award delivered to Bioquochem during Malta Polyphenols 2019

During Malta Polyphenols 2019, the Scientific Committee has delivered an Innovation Industrial Award to Bioquochem for their innovative electrochemical device, the e-BQC, which has been shown as a promising tool for phenolics and antioxidant determination.


Concluding remarks of Marina Del Riego and Susana Rey from Bioquochem:
"From Bioquochem, we only have nice words for the Polyphenols Malta Conference. Everything was really well organized, since the moment that we planned to attend to the congress and also when we were there, the organizers were helping us in every moment. The Hotel Excelsior, where the congress was held, was spectacular, with very good facilities. Also, the scientific program was really interesting, covering many disciplines and branches of knowledge, with polyphenols as the central point. Likewise, the congress participants were very open and receptive, showing a lot of interest and participation with Bioquochem, both as a sponsoring company, as scientific disseminators. Finally, receiving the innovation award was a surprise to us, and we are very grateful with the organizer to have consider us and receiving this award from them. I would recommend without hesitation the Polyphenols Congress for next editions, we hope to continue collaborating and participating in the future".


For media information:
International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH)

Prof. Jan Fred Stevens, from Oregon State University, USA awarded during Malta Polyphenols 2019

During Malta Polyphenols 2019, the Scientific Committee has been honored to award Prof. Jan Fred Stevens, from Oregon State University, USA, for his Scientific Contribution for 2019.

Prof. Stevens gave an excellent talk during Malta Polyphenols 2019, last october, on the computation-assisted annotation of biological activity to polyphenols in botanical supplements and herbal medicines. The computational approach presented during the conference by Prof. Stevens, adequately performs to identify active principles in crude plant extracts with reduced reliance on bioactivity-guided fractionation.




For media information:
International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH)

The Scientific Committee has discerned a Scientific Contribution Award to Prof. Yves Desjardins

During Malta Polyphenols 2019, Prof. Yves Desjardins from Laval University, Canada, has been awarded by the Scientific Committee for his Scientific Contribution for the year 2019.

Prof. Desjardins gave an excellent talk on the Role of polyphenols in cognitive impairment prevention and the modulation of the gut microbiome in relation to inflammation and aging. The research of Prof. Desjardins suggests that the consumption of berry polyphenols maintains a well-balanced microbiota and improve intestinal and underlying metabolic functions.


For media information:
International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH)

Silvateam has received an Industrial Innovation Awards during Malta Polyphenols 2019

International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH) is honored to discern an Industrial Innovation Awards to Silvateam, during Malta Polyphenols 2019, which was held in Malta, last october, for their sustainability and human well-being.


During Malta Polyphenols 2019, Dr. Samuele Giovando has presented their Stance4health project involving the tannins as potential microbiota modulators. 

Concluding remarks of Dr. Massimo Gotti and Dr. Samuele Giovando from Silvateam:
"It was exciting to be part of 2019 Malta Polyphenols Congress. This international event was successful and very rich in terms of scientific program, content as well as speakers”. Silvateam is glad to have supported the congress: it had the chance to introduce the company to many universities to build the ground for new interesting collaborations in the near future. Silvateam is investigating the role of polyphenols and tannins on microbiota. In particular, the aim is to study how to take advantage of the properties of these natural extracts in agriculture, animal nutrition and food applications to the benefit of human well-being. The cherry on the cake was the Malta Polyphenols 2019 Industrial Award, as a recognition of Silvateam efforts in the fields of sustainability and human well-being. The company would like to thank the organisers of the congress, in particular, Prof. Andreas Schieber and Prof. Marvin Edeas”.

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For media information:
International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH)

The Short Oral Contribution Award was delivered to Dr. Rêmulo Carvalho

Malta Polyphenols 2019-Dr.-Remulo-CarvalhoDuring Malta Polyphenols Congress 2019, which was held in Malta last October, the Scientific Committee awarded Dr. Rêmulo Carvalho, from EMPAER, Brazil, for his excellent oral presentation entitled "Control of pineapple fusariosis with polyphenols". 

During his presentation, Dr. Carvalho showed that tannins (polyphenols) significantly reduced the incidence of pineapple fusariosis, with  best results achieved with Chestnut N2, which were very similar to those of the fungicide treatment. 


Testimonial by Dr. Carvalho
"Having the opportunity to present my research results at Malta Polyphenols Congress 2019 was a privilege and really an enlightening scientific experience.

I am very thankful to the organizers and to the scientific committee for having given me the Short Oral Presentation Award which was an honor beyond my expectations.

The data I have presented was just a small contribution so that all the greatest scientists who attended this meeting could also realize the possibilities of using polyphenols in plant protection as an effective substitute for dangerous chemical fungicides.

Most of all, I am very thankful to all the speakers for their spectacular hard work and scientific contributions that make us rethink our research towards a healthier living.

I went to Malta Polyphenols 2019 as just an ordinary agricultural researcher. I left it changed into a Polyphenol scientist.

I can't thank you enough"



For media information:
International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH)

The Poster Contribution Award was discerned to Dr. Benjamin Dilberger

The Poster Contribution Award was discerned to Dr. Benjamin Dilberger from Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany, during Malta Polyphenols 2019, which was held in Malta, for his poster presentation entitled "Polyphenols and Metabolites enhance survival in Rodents and Nematodes - Impact of mitochondria". 

The study presented the phenolic metabolites including protocatechuic acid as potential to enhance health and lifespan and mitochondrial function, and thus may contribute to healthy aging.



Testimonial by Dr. Dilberger:
"I would like to express my thank and appreciation for my poster concerning the influence of polyphenolic metabolites on mitochondrial function in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. A special thank goes, of course to the organizing committee surrounding Andreas Schieber and Marvin Edeas for the great congress and experience, as well as my supervisor Gunter P. Eckert for giving me the opportunity to present my work. Personally, the congress was a great experience. The scientific venue was very interesting and insightful and it was a great opportunity to meet colleagues and extend relationships within the scientific community.
With great anticipation I look forward to the next Polyphenols Congress".

For media information:
International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health (ISANH)

Abstracts Book of Malta Polyphenols 2019 Available


The Abstracts Book contains all abstracts, including 20 extended presentations, 40 short oral presentations, and 70 poster contributions given by both established scientists and young researchers.

You can order this Abstracts Book in PDF Format by clicking here.


Silvateam, the world leader in the production of tannins since 1854, will join us at the Malta Polyphenols Congress 2019 !

SilvateamThe Malta polyphenols Congress 2019 is proud to count as its golden sponsor the group Sivateam, an Italian company.

Silvateam is the world leader in the production of tannins since 1854. These natural and sustainable products are suitable for a wide range of applications such as leather tanning, animal health and nutrition, food, beverages and many other industrial uses.

During the congress, Silvateam will showcase its products and its latest developments and present their innovation with short oral  entitled "Stance4health Project: Tannins as Potential Microbiota Modulators".


Layn USA Inc. will showcase their innovations during the Malta Polyphenols Congress 2019 !

Layn logo Natural Ingred green


The Malta Polyphenols Congress 2019 is proud the count as one of its participants and exhibitors the Layn USA Inc.


Layn is a global leader in the vertically integrated production of premium quality plant-based sweeteners and natural flavors. With deep proven experience in the industry spanning over two decades, they offer market-leading expertise in the agriculture and science behind our products.

They are known for their sustainable farming partnerships offering full traceability, significant annual investments in R&D, agricultural innovation, global sales and formulation support, and the world’s largest high-potency plant-based sweetener manufacturing capacity.


During the Malta Polyphenols Congress 2019, Layn USA Inc. will exhibit their products and innovations as well as give an oral presentation from Dr. Juan Javierre about "Polyphenols blends as technological antioxydants". 


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