Sulforaphane Balances Ca2+ Homeostasis Injured by Excessive Fat via Mitochondria‐Associated Membrane (MAM)

One of the hot topics which will discussed during Polyphenols Applications 2021 Congress is Sulforaphane. A study just published by Sicong Tian and al. about Sulforaphane Balances Ca2+ Homeostasis Injured by Excessive Fat via Mitochondria‐Associated Membrane (MAM).

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Mitochondria‐associated membrane (MAM) connecting endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria plays a significant role in lipid metabolism and Ca2+ homeostasis. Albeit sulforaphane (SFN) shows potential in ameliorating excessive fat accumulation and mitochondrial function, whether MAM is a target of SFN and its underling mechanisms are still unclear.

Based on the results, the authors suggested that SFN balanced the Ca2+ homeostasis in the MAM through regulating Ca2+ flux by Ca2+ channel IP3R and MCU.
For more information, please visit the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
Sicong Tian,  Peng Lei,  Jing Zhang,  Yao Sun,  Baolong Li, Yujuan Shan

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