Plant-Derived Polyphenols as Senolytic Agents

Christopher Wiley 2 1Cellular senescence is a basic aging process that drives several age-related degenerative conditions.  Compounds that selectively eliminate senescent cells, commonly called “senolytics”, have the potential to improve multiple degenerative conditions by targeting this key age-promoting process. 

Several polyphenols have been shown to have senolytic activity, including the hops-derived chalconoid xanthohumol, presenting a new pathway by which these molecules might improve degenerative disease.  

Dr. Christopher Wiley from Tufts University, USA, will join the Polyphenols Applications 2023 congress and will present a talk entitled "Plant-Derived Polyphenols as Senolytic Agents".

 About Dr. Wiley

Dr. Wiley is a Scientist II at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging and an Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine at Tufts University.  His laboratory studies the interactions between metabolism and cell fate decisions such as cellular senescence and cell death, primarily in the context of aging and degenerative disease.  

Join us in Polyphenols Applications 2023 to learn more about Dr. Wiley's talk. 

Polyphenols Applications 2023 Congress
September 28-29, 2023 - Malta