Inter‐individual variation in postprandial glycaemic responses in women co‐ingesting green leafy vegetables with a carbohydrate meal: interactions with the sirtuin system

One study dedicated to Polyphenols and sirtuin,  has been just published by  Marietta Sayegh and al. on Inter‐individual variation in postprandial glycaemic responses in women co‐ingesting green leafy vegetables with a carbohydrate meal: Interactions with the sirtuin system.

News 3 Polyphenols

Green leafy vegetables (GLV) may improve postprandial glycaemic responses (PGR) and metabolic health. However, inter‐individual variations (IIV) preclude conclusive evidence. Sirtuin system is emerging as a key player in blood glucose control. This study investigated IIV in PGR in women co‐ingesting GLV with a carbohydrate meal and interactions with the sirtuin system.

The authors concluded that PGR to co‐ingesting GLV with a carbohydrate meal were highly variable in this cohort and failed to reveal a significant reduction in PGR. Variable responses were largely independent of menopausal status and meal consumed. However, lower expression of sirtuin gene targets was associated with higher PGR and with markers linked to health status.


Marietta Sayegh,  Jaye Henderson,  Andrew J. Farquharson,  Graham Horgan,  Viren Ranawana,  Janice E. Drew